Lauren Wester Photographs

utah baby shower

Utah Baby Shower

BabiesLauren Wester4 Comments

If you need baby shower inspiration, keep scrolling. We're not just saying it, for real. Do it. We were honored to be apart of Lindsay of Harvest Moon Event's baby shower. Not only did Kasey of Harvest Moon Events plan the entire baby shower, but she hired us as a surprise gift for Lindsay. 


Everything at this baby shower was cute enough for a baby and classy enough for a grown group of women. The adorableness of this shower almost ALMOST made us want to have a baby of our own. Yes, Kasey is THAT good at events. Don't worry though, after the twinkle lights and delicious pink punch left our memories, we regained our DINK status. 

park city baby shower

To brag a bit about Kasey, she is a young, beautiful woman entrepreneur in Park City, Utah. We felt included in the baby shower instead of the hidden photographer crouched in the corner wearing camouflage. Lindsay, the one that is pregnant in the pictures, she is equally as amazing and not to mention is a BEAST. Lindsay was still working and lifting heavy wedding coordinator things the day before her Park City baby shower. Who are these women? We feel a bit of superhero powers just from association.  


Let's discuss beverages for a second. This punch champagne concoction was AMAZING, so much so, we tried to blend random juices and whipping cream from our fridge the next day to replicate it. Scouring through your fridge + being too lazy to go to the store= a weird not even close version of the punch in the pictures. So don't be lazy like us, GO TO THE STORE, and maybe ask Kasey for the recipe because our recipe will create a gross punch you won't want to serve to anyone. 


Soak in the pink punch, mini burgers, tender meat, pallet table and ridiculously adorable tipi-pillow-covered-tree nest. Now that you've had your baby shower inspiration, you can continue your weekend smiling and thinking of how Monday is super far away from today. 
